My name is Sal, and I'm the owner of, and chief artist at Maverick & Blueberry. I'm just an average guy currently living in Toronto with a not-so-average love of producing original art. I can't get my art and ideas out of my head fast enough. In fact I've been drawing, scribbling, and creating visual works since I was a baby. Growing up all across USA and Canada, I landed myself in trouble a few times with parents and teachers for drawing on inappropriate surfaces or at the wrong times. One of the earliest drawings I can remember doing was drawing a Boeing passenger plane with the Pan Am logo proudly emblazoned on the tail. I could never quite get it right. I would practice drawing the plane for hours, on any sheet of paper I could find. Sometimes I'd even unleash my inner Picasso onto my parents' apartment walls, much to their disappointment. (They'd rather I grow up to be a surgeon, or a rocket scientist, or even a lawyer.)
Once, my Grade Eight teacher, taking advantage of my lack of attention in class (I was obliviously absorbed in a drawing I was working on), walked up to my desk and snatched the drawing from the table surface and looked at it with a smirk, and then decidedly unimpressed, he proceeded to rip the sheet into confetti and let it snow on my head - in front of my 25 other very-quiet classmates and friends. Was I embarrassed? Eh, not so much. After he turned his back on me, I looked at my friends and rolled my eyes while taking out another clean sheet of paper.
But along the way I also caught the positive attention of school staff, city galleries, my peers, and more. Custom-design requests from friends or administrative staff continued to increase as I grew older. Part of it might have been due to my insistence on precision; here at Maverick & Blueberry, during the design phase of our artwork we aim to be as accurate as the width of an average human hair - that's only 100 µm (micrometers) in case you're curious!
To say that I'm passionate about visual design is an understatement. It is something I've always been interested in so deeply that yes, you can make me stand in front of 10,000 strangers and ask me to talk about the importance of art and visual design in our lives, and I'll do it without blinking. Ask me the directions to an office or someone's home? I'm likely to tell you the route based on landmarks and other points of significant visual interest, rather than street names!
So how did Maverick & Blueberry start? The idea itself started back in 2011 when I realized I just couldn't find the kind of artwork that would match my newly furnished condo, and as some folks in my predicament are likely to do, I created my own wall decor. Seeing my work, some friends asked me to make some select pieces for them, and the idea continued to grow.
It wasn't until recently, at the urging of other friends and acquaintances, that I decided to bring my passion to the broader public. In late 2016, I decided to put up my shingle in this corner of the digital realm.
The fact that I was / am doing my masters degree in management at the same time wasn't enough to dampen that desire. Some of my role models of past and present include the Wright Bros., Chuck Yeager, Yuri Gagarin, Felix Baumgartner and Luke Aikins. When we believe in something so passionately, we eat calculated crazy for breakfast everyday, and wash it down with a gallon of regretless risk mixed with love.
I truly believe a home without art on its walls is just a house - there's no personality and no character! It would be the equivalent of you wearing gray or beige burlap all day long, all the time. (No, really. That's what it would be like.) My aim is to change that for you, and to share my distinct class of creativity and visual appeal with my fellow North American neighbors.Â
But first, coffee!! Because I can sleep when I'm dead! And dark chocolate.
(Also, some poutine.)
Kind regards,
P.S. Questions? Don't hesitate to send us a message!